10th Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP)
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - Friday, July 29, 2016 | 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Montevideo, Uruguay
The National Port Administration of Uruguay (ANP), as Chair of the Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CECIP), and the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP), are proud to organize the X Meeting of the CIP: “Private Sector Partnerships for Port Development”, to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, July 27- 29, 2016.
The meeting presents a clear opportunity to identify initiatives for the development of sustainable, safe and more competitive port sector in the Americas.
The main objectives of the Meeting, in addition to promoting a political dialog that will approve a new Declaration and Plan of Action, will center around the exchange of private and public sector successful practices on the CIP’s six priorities: 1) Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness; 2) Port Security and Safety; 3) Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection; 4) Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation; 5) Tourism, River Ports and Waterways, Ship Service and Navigation Safety; and 6) Corporate Social Responsibility and Women in Ports.

Important Documents
Tuesday 26 July, 2016
- 15:00 – 19:00 - Registration and accreditation of participants (Hotel Lobby)
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
- 07:30 – 08:30 - Registration and accreditation of participants (In front of meeting room)
- 08:30 – 08:45 - PRELIMINARY SESSION OF THE HEADS OF DELEGATION (item 1 of the agenda)
- 08:45 – 09:00 - FIRST PLENARY SESSION: Election of the Authorities of the Meeting (item 1 of the agenda)
- Election of the chair and vice-chairs of the meeting;
- Integration of the style sub-committee;
- Final agenda of the meeting;
- Other matters (Administrative)
- 09:00 – 09:30 - INAUGURAL SESSION: Inauguration of the X Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP)
- Introductory and welcoming remarks by:
- Alberto Díaz, President of the National Port Administration (ANP) of Uruguay and Chair of the Executive Board of the CIP (CECIP)
- Dr. Neil Parsan, Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay (To be confirmed)
- 09:30 – 09:45 - OFFICIAL PHOTO OF THE X REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIP (Chief of Delegation)
(Point 3 of the agenda)
(Forum organized to promote hemispheric cooperation with the private sector and international agencies through presentations in the CIP priority thematic areas)
- 09:45 – 12:30 - SECOND PLENARY SESSION
- 09:45 – 11:00 - Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness: Private Sector Partnerships for Port Development.
- Moderator: General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Navy of Mexico
- Ana Rey, President, INALOG, Uruguay
- Miguel Garín Alemany, Director International Development, Fundación ValenciaPort
- David Sánchez Heredia, Executive Manager, Strategic State Entreprise of Port Services Administration of Bolivia
- Questions and Answers
- Moderator: General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Navy of Mexico
- 11:00 – 11:15 - Break
- 11:15 – 12:45 - Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection: Participation of the Private Sector in the Development of Environmental Policies
- Moderator: National Institute of Aquatic Spaces
- Anuj Chopra, Vice-President Americas, Rightship, Australia
- Héctor Bautista, General Director, Integral Port Administration (API) of Ensenada, Mexico
- Michael B. Jones, President & CEO, The Maritime Alliance, United States
- Carlos Abilleira, Prefect, Uruguay Naval National Prefecture / Mauricio Garrido, President, T&T Salvage LLC.
- Questions and Answers
- Moderator: National Institute of Aquatic Spaces
- 12:45 – 14:00 - Lunch (participants must arrange for their own lunch)
- 14:00 – 18:00 - THIRD PLENARY SESSION
- 14:00 – 15:15 - Port Protection and Security: Cyber Security
- Moderator: Maritime Administration, DOT, United Sates
- Max Bobys, Vice-President, Global Strategies, HudsonAnalytix Inc.
- Yann Alix, General Delegate, SEFACIL Foundation, France
- Miguel Angel Osuna, President. ISPS Network Mexico International / Carlos Scarpin, Secretary General, ISPS Network Mexico Internacional
- Questions and Answers
- Moderator: Maritime Administration, DOT, United Sates
- 15:15 – 16:30 Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation: Dialog Processes for the Improvement of Port Policy Framework
- Moderator: ANP of Uruguay
- Octavio Doerr, Ports and Logistics Specialist, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- José Modesto Apolo Terán, President, Ibero-American Institute of Maritime Law (IIDM)
- Lludelis Espinal, President, E&M International Consulting S.RL
- Questions and Answers
- Moderator: ANP of Uruguay
- 16:30 – 16:45 - Break
- 16:45 – 18:00 - Tourism, Inland Ports and Waterways, Services to Ships and Navigation Control: The Role of the Private Sector in the Logistic Development of River Navigation
- Moderator: Under-Secretariat of Ports and Waterways, Argentina
- Jorge Metz, Undersecretary, Secretariat of Ports and Waterways, Argentina
- Rui Alberto Zibetti, Legal and Foreign Affairs Coordinator / Eduardo Ratton, Project Coordinator, Technological Institute of Transport and Infrastructure, Federal University of Paraná
- Jurgen Dhollander, PR & Project Manager, International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC)
- Questions and Answers
- Moderator: Under-Secretariat of Ports and Waterways, Argentina
- 19:00 – 21:00 - Cocktail Reception
Thursday, July 28, 2016
- 08:00 – 09:00 - Continuation of the registration and accreditation of participants
- 09:00 – 12:45 - FOURTH PLENARY SESSION
- 09:00 – 10:15 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Women in Ports: CSR as an Instrument to Improve Port Operations and Increase Competitiveness
- Moderator: Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP)
- Ángel Elías, President, Puerto Rosario Management Agency (ENAPRO), Argentina
- Representative from Uruguay, to be confirmed
- Ricardo Córdova, Manager of Concessions and Sustainability, Port Company of Arica (EPA)
- Questions and Answers
- Moderator: Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP)
- 10:15 – 10:30 - Break
- 10:30 –12:00 - Trade Facilitation: Inter-Agency Cooperation
- Moderator: SOGET/SEFACIL
- Olaf Merk, Administrator Ports and Shipping, International Transport Forum (ITF), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- Enrique Fanta, Senior Public Sector Specialist, World Bank Group
- Alberto Díaz, President of the National Port Administration (ANP) of Uruguay
- Enrique Martínez Schickendantz, General Manager, Asociación de Despachantes de Aduana del Uruguay (ADAU)
- Questions and Answers
- Moderator: SOGET/SEFACIL
- 12:00 –12:30 - Keynote Speech: Implementation of the Port Community System
- Elva Williams-Richards, Vice-President Finance, Port Authority of Jamaica
- 12:30 – 12:45 Forum Closing Remarks, Amb. Dr. Neil Parsan, Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Organization of American States (OAS)
- 12:45 – 14:00 - Lunch (participants must arrange for their own lunch)
Thursday, July 28, 2016
- 13:30 – 14:00 - Continuation of the registration and accreditation of participants
- 14:00 – 18:30 - CECIP PLENARY SESSION
- 14:00 – 14:15 - Introduction: Objectives of the XVII Meeting of the CECIP and adoption of resolutions on the organization of the CIP Meeting’s proceedings (item 1 of the agenda)
Main Objectives of the XVII Meeting of the CECIP
- Submit the annual report on the activities of the CIP;
- Proposal of the biennial budget of the Commission;
- Agree upon the organization of the XI Regular Meeting of the CIP;
- Proposal for amendments to the Regulation;
- Proposal of the Declaration and Plan of Action of Montevideo;
- Mechanisms for strengthening relations with internal and external strategic partners, the participation of the private sector and related institutions, and the use of management tools, exchange and dissemination of knowledge;
- Activities for the improvement and strengthening of human resources in the port sector in the scope of the CIP, including the mobilization of experts, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the expansion of training opportunities.
- 14:15 – 14:45- Presentation of Reports
- Activity report of the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CECIP) within the framework of the Cartagena Plan of Action, Chairman of the National Port Administration of Uruguay. (item 1 of the agenda)
- Report of the activities of the CIP Secretariat within the framework of the Cartagena Plan of Action 2014-2016, Jorge Durán, Chief of the Secretariat of the CIP (item 2.b of the agenda):
- Political Dialog
- Capacity Building
- Puertos de España
- Valenciaport
- National Port Authority of Peru
- Hemispheric Events
- Technical Assistance
- Rightship
- Model Law
- Ballast Water
- Cyber Security
- Promotion
- Status of the publication of the CIP Magazine (item 2.b of the agenda)
- CIP Portal
- Participation in events
- Status of the Specific Fund “Special Port Program of the CIP 2015” and compliance with the provision of quarterly financial information according to resolution of the General Assembly of the OAS 2648 (XLI- O/11) (item 2.b of the agenda)
- Financial Report of the TAGs 2015 and the first half of 2016
- Dialogue
- 14:45 – 15:15 - Presentation of the Budget Proposal 2017-2018
- Proposal to increase Member States contribution, and budget and funding proposal for the Specific Fund “CIP Special Port Program” 2017-2018, proposal from the Chair of the CECIP (item 4.c and 4.d of the agenda)
- Dialogue
- 15:15 – 15:30 - Break
- 15:30 – 18:15 - Consideration of Proposed Plan of Action and Declaration of Montevideo
- Montevideo Declaration (item 4.a of the agenda)
- Plan of Action of Montevideo (item 4.b of the agenda)
- Proposal for amendments to the Regulation
- Caribbean Cooperation Framework for Port Facilities Protection Officers
- Venue and date of the next CIP and CECIP Meetings (item 6 of the agenda)
- XVIII Meeting of the CECIP 2017
- XIX Meeting of the CECIP and XI Meeting of the CIP 2018
- Nomination of new CECIP and TAG Authorities 2016 – 2018 (item 6 of the agenda)
- Other issues: conclusions and recommendations. (item 8 of the agenda)
Friday, July 29, 2016
- 08:00 – 09:00 - Continuation of the registration and accreditation of participants
- Top of Form
- 09:00 – 13:00 - FIFTH PLENARY SESSION
- Port Dialogue and Compliance Assessment of the Plan of Action: Executive Reports of the Chairs of the Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) on the implementation of the Cartagena Action Plan, presentation of associate members, special guests and dialogue.
- 09:00 – 10:00 - Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness (Presented by the delegation of Mexico), Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa, General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Navy of Mexico (item 2.c of the agenda)
- Gonzalo Davagnino, General Manager, Puerto Valparaíso
- Martín Rojas, Senior Adviser for the Americas, International Road Transport Union (IRU)
- Dialogue
- 10:00 – 10:15 - Break
- 10:15 – 11:15 - Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection (Presented by the Delegation of Venezuela) Captain Cesar Vladimir Romero Salazar, President, National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA) (item 2.c of the agenda)
- Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa, General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Navy of Mexico
- Pablo Cisneros, Chief Executive-Regional Program for Energy Efficiency, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
- Dialogue
- 11:15 – 12:15 - Port Protection and Security
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Port Security and Safety (Presented by the Delegation of United States) Andrew Baskin, International Trade Specialist, U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration. (item 2.c of the agenda)
- Rear Admiral Paul F. Thomas, Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy, U.S. Coast Guard
- Mike Edgerton, Vice-President, Hudson Trident
- Dialogue
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Port Security and Safety (Presented by the Delegation of United States) Andrew Baskin, International Trade Specialist, U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration. (item 2.c of the agenda)
- 12:15 – 13:30 - Lunch (participants must arrange for their own lunch)
- 14:15 – 18:15 - SIXTH PLENARY SESSION
- 13:30 – 14:30 - Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation (Presented by the Delegation of Uruguay) Alberto Díaz, President, National Port Administration, Uruguay (item 2.c of the agenda)
- Ana Brunet, Specialist on Port Law, Iberoamerican Institute of Maritime Law (IIDM)
- José Antonio Pejovés, Lawyer, Pejovés Marítimo Law Firm and CIP Consultant.
- Dialogue
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation (Presented by the Delegation of Uruguay) Alberto Díaz, President, National Port Administration, Uruguay (item 2.c of the agenda)
- 14:30 – 15:45 - Tourism, Inland Ports and Waterways, Ship Services and Navigation Control
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Tourism, Inland Ports and waterways, Ship Services and Navigation Control (Presented by the Delegation of Argentina) Jorge Metz, Under-Secretary of Ports and Waterways of Argentina (item 2.c of the agenda)
- Alejandro González, President, Navegation Center of Uruguay
- Mauricio Garrido, Former President of the American Salvage Association (ASA)
- Kevin P. Knight, Economist, Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources – PIANC-USA
- Dialogue
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Tourism, Inland Ports and waterways, Ship Services and Navigation Control (Presented by the Delegation of Argentina) Jorge Metz, Under-Secretary of Ports and Waterways of Argentina (item 2.c of the agenda)
- 15:45 – 16:00 - Break
- 16:00 – 17:00 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Women in Ports
- Activity Report of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Social Responsibility and Women in Ports (Presented by the Delegation of Panama) José Aranda, Assistant Director, Ports and Auxiliaries Maritime Industries, Maritime Authority of Panama. (item 2.c of the agenda)
- Enrique Suárez, Director Argentina, Stericycle
- Yann Alix, General Delegate, SEFACIL Foundation, France
- Dialogue
- 17:00 – 18:00 - CLOSING SESSION
- Consideration and adoption of the Draft Declaration and Plan of Action of Montevideo (item 5 of the agenda)
- Consideration and adoption of the agreements reached in the XVII of the CECIP (item 5 of the agenda)
- Election of new CIP Authorities of the CECIP and Chair of the TAGs 2016-2018 (item 6 of the agenda)
- Venue and date of the XI Regular Meeting of the CIP and the XVIII Meeting of the CECIP (item 7 of the agenda)
- Other business (item 8 of the agenda)
- Closing Remarks:
- Alberto Díaz, President of the National Port Administration (ANP) of Uruguay and Chair of the Executive Board of the CIP (CECIP).
- Elected CECIP Chairman address
- Víctor Rossi, Minister of Transport of Uruguay
- Dr. Neil Parsan, Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Closing Remarks: