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Hemispheric cooperation for competitive, secure, sustainable and inclusive ports in the Americas.

10th Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP)


Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - Friday, July 29, 2016  |  8:00 am – 6:00 pm


Montevideo, Uruguay 

The National Port Administration of Uruguay (ANP), as Chair of the Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CECIP), and the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP), are proud to organize the X Meeting of the CIP: “Private Sector Partnerships for Port Development”, to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, July 27- 29, 2016. 

The meeting presents a clear opportunity to identify initiatives for the development of sustainable, safe and more competitive port sector in the Americas. 

The  main objectives of the Meeting, in addition to promoting a political dialog that will approve a new Declaration and Plan of Action, will center around the exchange of private and public sector successful practices on the CIP’s six priorities: 1) Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness; 2) Port Security and Safety; 3) Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection; 4) Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation; 5) Tourism, River Ports and Waterways, Ship Service and Navigation Safety; and 6) Corporate Social Responsibility and Women in Ports. 

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