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Hemispheric cooperation for competitive, secure, sustainable and inclusive ports in the Americas.

Efficiency and Service Indicators of the Colombian Port System

This working document (available only in Spanish) aims to fill the existing gap in the Colombian port system, related to the formulation and implementation of efficiency indicators and port services for clean solid bulk terminals. The indicators of port efficiency proposed in this document are intended to study the evolution of the port in time and compare it with international or regional standards. By using the proposed indicators, the regulator or the Port Authority can evaluate the performance of the port before and after a given policy or reform to verify the success or failure of the same. An indicator of port efficiency is really a measure of existing inefficiencies, which is evaluated with the most efficient ports. Within a new world context of globalization and in order to make global supply chains more competitive, a large number of countries have made or are in the process of restructuring their port systems in order to improve the factors that contribute to a better management and efficiency of port services. Efficiency is an important indicator in the functioning of ports, since it stimulates the competitiveness of the same and boosts regional development. An efficient port manages to reduce transport costs and facilitates the country’s competitiveness.

You can access the document by clicking here.
