III Hemispheric Conference on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Logistics: Comprehensive Port Management for Increased Efficiency
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - Friday, October 6, 2017 | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Hotel Hard Rock Panamá
The III Hemispheric Conference on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Logistics: Comprehensive Port Management for Increased Efficiencywill provide an international platform for public-private dialogue on efficient and innovative port operations with a holistic vision that promotes increased competitiveness in the region.
Organized by the Panama Maritime Authority and the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS), the event will focus on the key aspects of efficient logistics, multimodal transport, competitive port security operations, and environmental innovation, all in line with the development of a competitive, secure, and sustainable port sector.
Decision-makers from public and private entities will present successful practices on the following topics:
- Technological Innovation for a Competitive Port Sector;
- Regional Connectivity: A Key Factor for Economic Development;
- Automation of Port Operations: Port Community Systems;
- Strategic Actions in Competitive Port Security;
- Green Ports – Competitive Ports: Successful Practices in Environmental Protection.
Formal invitations and draft agenda will be sent shortly.
For more information, please contact Mona Swoboda, S/CIP Project Coordinator, mswoboda@oas.org

Important Documents
We are at the beginning of a global transformation characterized by the convergence of digital, physical, and biological technologies. In today’s world, promoting technological innovation in port infrastructure, logistics, and physical connectivity within the maritime sector, among others, is especially important to find new engines of growth. Countries must recognize competitiveness as a key factor when addressing global socio-economic challenges and support, incorporate, and implement innovative operations within their strategic vision.
Global Competitiveness Index 2016-2017
World Economic Forum
Tuesday, October 3rd
- 11:15 – 12:30 - Departure from the Hotel Hard Rock Panama – Megapolis Convention Center
- 12:30 – 17:15 - Lunch and Tour of the Panama Canal Locks “Aguas Claras”, organized by the Panama Maritime Authority (by invitation only)
- 17:15 – 18:15 - Return on Panama Canal Railway
Wednesday, October 4th
- 8:30 – 9:30 - Registration and Accreditation (Megapolis Convention Center – Conference Rooms)
- 9:30 – 9:50 - Opening Remarks
- Kim Osborne, Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Fernando Gamboa Rosas, General Director for Port Development and Administration, General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine, Secretariat of Communications and Transport, Mexico
- Jorge Barakat, Chair of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Logistics of the CIP and Minister of Maritime Affairs and Administrator, Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP)
- 9:50 – 10:00 - Special Message from Kitack Lim, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- 10:00 - Official Group Picture
- 10:00 – 10:30 - Coffee Break
- 10:30 – 11:45 - World Trade Expansion and its Impact on the Supply-Chain: Challenges and Tendencies in the Hemisphere
- Moderator: Meredith Pinedo B., Deputy Director of Ports, Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Industries Division, Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
- Ana Rey, President, National Institute for Logistics (INALOG), Uruguay
- Carlos Urriola Tam, President of SSA International – MIT and Representative of the Maritime Chamber of Panama
- Jorge Durán, Chief of the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS)
- Q&A
- Moderator: Meredith Pinedo B., Deputy Director of Ports, Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Industries Division, Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
- 11:45 – 13:00 - Round Table: Comprehensive Port Logistics – Collaboration for Increased Competitiveness
- Moderator: Yann Alix, Head of Strategy, SOGET, France
- Ana M. Reyes, Coordinator of the Logistics Cabinet, Ministry of the Presidency, Panama
- Krista Lucenti, Economist, Integration and Trade Sector, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
- Fausto Arroyo, Chief Executive Officer, Departmental Analysis and Programming Division, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
- Moderator: Yann Alix, Head of Strategy, SOGET, France
- 13:00 – 14:30 - Lunch
- 14:30 – 15:45 - Public-Private-Partnerships for Increased Competitiveness
- Moderator: Jorge Durán, Chief of the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS)
- Luis Manuel Quiroz Echegaray, General Director, Guanajuato Dry Port, Mexico
- Pablo Jukic, Secretary of Transportation of Santa Fe, Argentina
- Fernando Villalba, President, Port Authority Villa Constitución Santa Fe, Argentina and Executive Director, Port Council of Argentina
- Q&A
- Moderator: Jorge Durán, Chief of the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS)
- 15:45 – 16:00 - Coffee Break
- 16:00 – 17:30 - Regional Connectivity: A Key Factor for Economic Development
- Moderator: Jose Alcantára, Chief, Competitiveness Unit, Puerto Valparaíso, Chile
- Guimara Tuñón, General Director of Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Industries, Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
- Oscar Bazán, Executive Vice President, Planning and Business Development, Panama Canal Authority
- Kevin Knight, Economist, PIANC, United States
- Alejandro González, President, Center for Navigation (CENNAVE), Uruguay
- Q&A
- Moderator: Jose Alcantára, Chief, Competitiveness Unit, Puerto Valparaíso, Chile
- 19:00 – 21:00 - Welcome Cocktail (Hotel Hard Rock Panama Rooftop, 62ndFloor)
Thursday, October 5th
- 9:00 – 9:30 - Keynote Speech: Environmental Innovation for Sustainable Port Management
- Carleen Lyden Walker, Executive Director, North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA), United States
- 9:30 – 10:45 - Green Ports – Competitive Ports: Successful Environmental Protection Practices
- Moderator: Carleen Lyden Walker, Executive Director, NAMEPA, United States
- Anuj Chopra, Vice President for the Americas, RightShip, Australia
- Otto Noack, Executive Director, Central American Maritime Transport Commission (COCATRAM)
- Alejandro Trillo, Director, Maritime Sustainability, Stericycle
- Q&A
- Moderator: Carleen Lyden Walker, Executive Director, NAMEPA, United States
- 10:45 – 11:15 - Coffee Break
- 11:15 – 12:30 - Efficient Multimodal Transportation Operations
- Moderator: Francisco Espinoza, General Director, DAQUA, Mexico
- Miguel Garín Alemany, Director, International Development, Fundación ValenciaPort, Spain
- Lauren Brand, Associate Administrator for Intermodal Systems, Maritime Administration of the United States (MARAD), United States Department of Transportation
- Andrew Baskin, Vice President, Global Policy and Trade, HudsonAnalytix, United States
- Q&A
- Moderator: Francisco Espinoza, General Director, DAQUA, Mexico
- 12:30 – 14:00 - Lunch
- 14:00 – 14:30 - Keynote Speech: Efficient Ports as an Engine for Competitiveness
- Jorge Barakat, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Administrator, Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP)
- 14:30 – 16:00 - Automated Port Management: Port Community Systems
- Moderator: Miguel Garín Alemany, Director, International Development, Fundación ValenciaPort, Spain
- Lidia Muñoz Pérez, Director, Transport Central America, Panama, and the Caribbean, INDRA
- Juan Carlos Croston, Vice President, Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Manzanillo International Terminal, Panama
- Meredith Pinedo B., Deputy Director of Ports, Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
- Jose Alcántara, Chief, Competitiveness Unit, Puerto Valparaíso, Chile
- Q&A
- Moderator: Miguel Garín Alemany, Director, International Development, Fundación ValenciaPort, Spain
- 16:00 – 16:15 - Coffee Break
- 16:15 – 17:30 - CSR in the Maritime Industry: Increased Efficiency through Socially Responsible Operations
- Moderator: Anuj Chopra, Vice President for the Americas, RightShip, Australia
- Shirlett Martinez, Operations Manager, Port Authority of Belize
- Nilda Quijano, Director of Community Affairs, Manzanillo International Terminal, Panama
- Q&A
- Moderator: Anuj Chopra, Vice President for the Americas, RightShip, Australia
Friday, October 6th
- 9:00 – 9:30 - Keynote Speech: Contributions of Port Authorities to the IMO’s work on Facilitation of International Maritime Transport
- Julian Abril Garcia, Chief of Facilitation Section, Subdivision Maritime Protection and Facilitation, International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- 9:30 – 10:45 - Strategic Actions in Competitive Port Security
- Moderator: Mona Swoboda, Project Coordinator, Gender Equality and Public-Private-Partnerships, Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP)
- Michael Edgerton, Vice President, HudsonTrident, United States
- James Espino, President, Gnostech Inc., United States
- Rene Ernesto Hernández Osegueda, President, Maritime and Port Authority, El Salvador
- Q&A
- Moderator: Mona Swoboda, Project Coordinator, Gender Equality and Public-Private-Partnerships, Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP)
- 10:45 – 11:00 - Coffee Break
- 11:00 – 12:15 - Technological Innovation for a Competitive Port Sector
- Moderator: Guimara Tuñón, General Director of Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Industries, Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
- Katey Groves, Deputy Program Manager, Cubic Global Defense
- Gustavo Davis, Regional Manager, Crimson Logic Pa
- Jorge Ruíz Ascencio, Director General, Port Administration (API) of Tuxpan, Mexico
- Q&A
- Moderator: Guimara Tuñón, General Director of Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Industries, Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
- 12:15 – 12:40 - Closing Keynote Speech: Human Capital and Digitalization, Key Factors for a Competitive Port Sector
- Teresa Morales Muñóz, General Director, Human Capital, Grupo Softland, Spain
- 12:40 – 13:00 - Closing Remarks
- Jorge Durán, Chief of the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS)
- Guimara Tuñón, Representative, Chair of the Technical Advisory Group on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Logistics of the CIP and General Director of Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Industries, Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)
- 13:00 – 14:30 - Lunch
- 19:30 – 23:30 - Dinner at the Panama Canal Locks “Miraflores” (business casual)