About the TAG
Chair: Argentina
Vice Chair: Paraguay
The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Waterways, Inland and Cruise Ports aims to provide technical advice to the Committee on specific aspects of the port sector development in the hemisphere regarding this TAG working area. The TAG is made up by all Member States as well as Associate Members, including private sector firms and NGOs.
In this regard, the TAG assists by promoting the improvement and modernization of the port systems based on regulatory frameworks and international standards, sufficiently flexible, dynamic and confident to promote investments without neglecting environmental protection and port security.
The TAG promotes the optimization of the systems and procedures that affect the streamlining and operability of the services provided to the ships during their arrivals to the ports, through the strengthening of cooperation between the members. It aims to contribute to the dynamism, updating and modernizing of the control systems of the navigation by proposing the adoption of appropriate measures and procedures for safety and security and promote the river port development looking forward to the hemispheric integration of landlocked countries and inland ports.
The TAG synergizes with other TAGs to better execute the CIP 2023-2026 Roatán Plan of Action.