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Hemispheric cooperation for competitive, secure, sustainable and inclusive ports in the Americas.

CIP Secretariat

Virginia Asis, Intern

Virginia Asis is the intern at the CIP Secretariat, where she is in charge of providing support in different duties, specially assisting in the researching, data collecting and analyzing of the ports decarbonization of OAS Member States. Besides, she provides support in the monthly newsletter, online courses and the CIP Scholarship and Training Program. 

Virginia is a political scientist focused on Sustainable Development. She has extensive experience in research and Public Management. She completed her thesis degree about Local Governance and Climate Change and currently works as a researcher at the Center of Strategic Studies of International Relations of Argentina. She worked as an intern in the Secretary of Environmental Management and sustainability of Cordoba’s Municipality, where she gained experience in environmental public management. Moreover, she has experience as a university professor, working as a graduate teaching assistant in the Social Science Department of National University of Cordoba. 

Virginia has a bachelor’s in political science from the National University of Cordoba (UNC), Argentina, and currently she is studying a university diploma course in project management. She has written many articles about environmental policies and climate change. She speaks English and Spanish fluently, and she has practical knowledge of French. She made some works as a research assistant in the National Scientific and Technical Reach Council of Argentina (CONICET) during her academic and professional life.  Besides, she has worked as a volunteer in many non-government organizations dedicated to defense of the environment and democracy.