Essential Elements for Port Legislation
Essential Elements for Port Legislation
Product of a collaboration of the Associate Member, E&M International Consulting, under the direction of the maritime and port expert, Lludelis Espinal. This document is in Word format so that the CIP Community can incorporate comments and points they consider necessary and send their proposal to the CIP Secretariat.
Former Guide to Port Legislation
The guide establishes the basic laws, which currently involves the port sector and related services, to ensure legal security and private investment through concessions, authorizations, contract or any other form of private participations in ports. In addition, provide a legal framework that allows for efficient and competitive management and operations, without becoming an obstacle to environmental, and port security and safety measures.
The Guide identifies and describes 29 elements that port legislation should contain.
Note by the CIP Secretariat on the Guide to Port Legislation
This Note presents a series of diagnostic areas that countries can use to evaluate existing legislation. It identifies areas that are not regulated and those that must be adapted to a new port model. It establishes specific definitions and clear guidelines on port policy. Finally, it identifies 30 elements that all port legislation should contain.