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Hemispheric cooperation for competitive, secure, sustainable and inclusive ports in the Americas.

Documents and Resources



TitleDescriptionbyLanguagesPublication date
PRC State-Sponsored Actors Compromise and Maintain Persistent Access to U.S. Critical InfrastructureAssessment that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) state-sponsored cyber actors are seeking to pre-position themselves on IT networks for disruptive or destructive cyberattacks against U.S. critical infrastructure in the event of a major crisis or conflict with the United States.The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), National Security Agency (NSA), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)English02-07-2024
Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk ManagementThe Guidelines provide high-level recommendations on maritime cyber risk management to safeguard shipping from current and emerging cyberthreats and vulnerabilities. The Guidelines also include functional elements that support effective cyber risk management.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish06-07-2022
2022 Ports and Terminals Cybersecurity SurveyThe Jones Walker 2022 Ports and Terminals Cybersecurity Survey outlines four key findings and offers guidance on how the US ports and terminals industry can evaluate and improve cyber readiness.Jones Walker LLPEnglish2022
Maritime Cybersecurity in the Western Hemisphere: An Introduction and GuidelinesThis document informs maritime leaders about requirements, guidelines, and best practices that their organizations can use and incorporate to manage cyber risk, drive organizational cybersecurity capability maturity, and develop operational resilience.Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)English06-2021
Cyber Risk Management for Ports: Guidelines for Cybersecurity in the Maritime SectorThis report aims to provide port operators with good practices for cyber risk assessment that they can adapt to whatever risk assessment methodology they follow.European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)English12-2020
Guide of Best Practices for Cybersecurity Management for Ships and Port FacilitiesThe purpose of the Guide is to provide recommendations that should be included by companies and organizations as specific sections within the procedures contained in the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) Code so they serve as a natural extension of existing practices for ship security and protection management of ships and ports.Maritime Security Group of SpainSpanish2020
Port cybersecurity management survey resultsResults of the survey on cybersecurity management in ports.Hudson Cyber / Maritime Cyber SecurityEnglish2018
Cyber Resilience Review and Cyber Security ToolsThe CYBER RESILIENCE REVIEW, is designed to help an organization’s understanding of their operational resilience and ability to manage cyber risk. One of the basic principles of the CRR is the idea that an organization deploys its assets – its people, information, technology and facilities – in support of critical services or operational missions.US-GovernmentEnglish04-30-2018
Resolution MSC.428(98) - Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management SystemsThe Maritime Safety Committee, at its 98th session in June 2017, also adopted Resolution MSC.428(98) - Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems. The resolution encourages administrations to ensure that cyber risks are appropriately addressed in existing safety management systems.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish06-16-2017
Cybersecurity Glossary For The Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) Organization of American States (OAS)Glossary of commonly used cybersecurity terms for your use and dissemination. Terms that are designed to support shared understanding of cybersecurity across the port industry in our hemisphere.HA – Cyber HudsonAnalytix, Inc.English04-01-2017
Maritime Bulk Liquids Transfer Cybersecurity Framework ProfileThis MBLT CFP serves to assist in cybersecurity risk assessments for those entities involved in MBLT operations as overseen by the USCG.United States Coast GuardEnglish07-01-2016
Cybersecurity Guidelines for Ports and Port Facilities Version 1.0The IAPH Cybersecurity Guidelines provided herein are based on successes achieved by ports and port facilities from around the world and are designed to assist executives in the port industry in their effort to foster greater collaboration within their organizations, as well as more broadly with their local, regional, national, and international partners and stakeholders.International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH)English07-02-2012
How to Run Effective Phishing Assessment and Training Campaigns Employees Don’t Hate (the “Eleven Commandments”) The 11 commandments to conduct a successful phishing assessment process.infosecurity-magazine.EnglishN/A


TitleDescriptionByLanguagesPublication date
COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance for the 2020 Hurricane SeasonThis document is comprised of two main sections: response planning and recovery planning. Throughout each section, emergency managers will find detailed information on FEMA’s operating posture and guidance for State, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments.Federal Emergency Management AgencyEnglish05-2020
Continuity Plan Template and Instructions for Non-Federal Entities and Community Based OrganizationsThis template provides instructions, guidance, and sample text for the development of Continuity Plans and programs in accordance with the Continuity Guidance Circular (CGC) dated February 2018.FEMA National continuity programsEnglish08-2018
Crisis Event Response and Recovery Access (CERRA) Framework: An Emergency Preparedness Access Implementation and Best Practice GuideThe Crisis Event Response and Recovery Access (CERRA) Framework focuses on supporting State, local, and regional efforts to enable the successful transit and access of critical response and recovery resources before, during, and after emergencies.Homeland Security - Federal Emergency Management AgencyEnglish03-2018
Continuity Planners Workshop Train-the-Trainer Student Manual E/L 550Introduction and Course Overview Initiating the Planning Process Elements of a Viable Continuity Capability Operational Phases and Implementation Plan Maintenance and Distribution Course Summary and Final Exam.Federal Emergency Management AgencyEnglish11-2012
Incident Action Planning GuideThe IAP Guide explains how to play an execute operations during any incident. This document, based on the Incident Management Handbook (IMH), explains the Incident Command System (ICS) incident action planning process, describes how to use it during FEMA incidents, defines the specific roles and responsibilities of the various participants, and establishes standards for incident action plannins durin FEMA incidents.Federal Emergency Management AgencyEnglish01-06-2012
Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans / Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 Version 2.0Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 provides Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidance on the fundamentals of planning and developing emergency operations plans (EOP). CPG 101 shows that EOPs are connected to planning efforts in the areas of prevention, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation. Version 2.0 of this Guide expands on these fundamentals and encourages emergency and homeland security managers to engage the whole community in addressing all risks that might impact their jurisdictions. While CPG 101 maintains its link to previous guidance, it also reflects the reality of the current operational planning environment. This Guide integrates key concepts from national preparedness policies and doctrines, as well as lessons learned from disasters, major incidents, national assessments, and grant programs.Federal Emergency Management AgencyEnglish11-2010
Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations Annex Template InstructionsThis template provides guidance to assist organizations in developing a Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations Plan or, if the organization already has a continuity plan, a Pandemic Influenza Annex. General guidance and sample information is provided for reference and organizations are encouraged to tailor Pandemic Influenza Continuity Plans to meet specific organizational needs and requirements.Federal Emergency Management AgencyEnglish2009
Incident Action PlanThis is an example of an Incident Action Plan.Federal Emergency Management AgencyEnglish02-14-2005
Continuity Resources / COOP Acronyms / Key TermsIncludes a list of links about continuity: - Continuity Resource Toolkit - Continuity of Operations - What you need to know (18:21) - "Stepping into their Shoes" - Gaining Senior Leadership Buy-In for Continuity (22:48) - FEMA Independent Study Courses - HSEEP COOP Acronyms and.. Key Terms.Federal Emergency Management AgencyEnglishN/A


TitleDescriptionbyLanguagesPublication date
Cybersecurity Glossary For The Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) Organization of American States (OAS)Glossary of commonly used cybersecurity terms for your use and dissemination. Terms that are designed to support shared understanding of cybersecurity across the port industry in our hemisphere.HA – Cyber HudsonAnalytix, Inc.English04-01-2017
Port cybersecurity management survey resultsResults of the survey on cybersecurity management in ports.Hudson Cyber / Maritime Cyber SecurityEnglish2018


TitleDescriptionbyLanguagesPublication date
Verification and Compliance Manual for Port Security OfficialsThis Drafting Guide has been developed as an aid for government agencies responsible for the security of ports. Specifically, this Guide will help them consolidate relevant national regulations, policies and procedures into a single Manual with authoritative guidance on how port security officials should perform their duties.Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)English12-2021
Maritime Cybersecurity in the Western Hemisphere: An Introduction and GuidelinesThis document informs maritime leaders about requirements, guidelines, and best practices that their organizations can use and incorporate to manage cyber risk, drive organizational cybersecurity capability maturity, and develop operational resilience.Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)English06-2021
Virtual Roundtable on Women in Maritime and Port SecurityA compilation of ‘Lessons Learned’ and ‘Good Practices’, as well as a focus on identifying ‘Opportunities to Increase Gender Equity’ for women in the region, and to guide the future work of the Organization of American States and its Member States.Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)English03-2021


TitleDescriptionbyLanguagesPublication date
Port Emissions Toolkit Guide No. 1: Port Emissions AssessmentThese tools use sensors and monitoring devices installed at ports to measure emissions in real time; use atmospheric dispersion modeling to predict pollutant concentrations; and assist in the detailed collection of emission sources at ports.International Maritime Organization, Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH).English2021
Introduction to Maritime Law for Port OfficialsThis guide aims to provide port officials with a foundation in maritime law, covering key aspects of international conventions, jurisdiction, security, safety, environmental protection, dispute resolution and emerging challenges.International Association of Ports and HarborsEnglish2020
World Ports Sustainability Program (WPSP) Covid-19 Guidance Document for PortsThis edition of the Guidance on ports’ response to the corona virus pandemic is structured along a four layered approach, to present a methodology and a range of good practices regarding 1) immediate measures addressing port operations, governance, and communication, 2) measures to protect the business and financial returns, 3) measures to support customers, stakeholders and community, and 4) measures for getting back to work.International Association of Ports and HarborsEnglish2020
Resolution on Passenger Ship Safety Document expressing various resolutions during the Los Angeles California USA ports conference in May 2013; where important guidelines were taken about safety on board cruise ships worldwide and urges contracting governments to ratify international conventions on the subject.International Association of Ports and HarborsEnglish2013
Cybersecurity Guidelines for Ports and Port Facilities Version 1.0The IAPH Cybersecurity Guidelines provided herein are based on successes achieved by ports and port facilities from around the world and are designed to assist executives in the port industry in their effort to foster greater collaboration within their organizations, as well as more broadly with their local, regional, national, and international partners and stakeholders.International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH)English07-02-2012


TitleDescriptionbyLanguagesPublication date
Safety and health in portsThis code is intended to be a concise set of recommendations based on good practice in the industry. The advice should be useful to all bodies and persons concerned with safety and health in port work. These include government authorities, employers, workers and their representatives, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, and professional bodies dealing with occupational safety and health.International Labour OrganizationEnglish2018


TitleDescriptionbyLanguagesPublication date
Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk ManagementThe Guidelines provide high-level recommendations on maritime cyber risk management to safeguard shipping from current and emerging cyberthreats and vulnerabilities. The Guidelines also include functional elements that support effective cyber risk management.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish06-07-2022
Port Emissions Toolkit Guide No. 1: Port Emissions AssessmentThese tools use sensors and monitoring devices installed at ports to measure emissions in real time; use atmospheric dispersion modeling to predict pollutant concentrations; and assist in the detailed collection of emission sources at ports.International Maritime Organization, Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH).English2021
International SafetyNET Services ManualThis Manual is a revision of the International SafetyNET Manual (MSC.1/Circ.1364/Rev.1, as amended by MSC.1/Circ.1364/Rev.1/Corr.1) and renames it to incorporate other services, including technical requirements for Fleet Safety (MSC.1/Circ.1611). In addition, the terms of reference for the IMO Enhanced Group Call Coordinating Panel and the procedures for authorization, certification and registration of Enhanced Group Call information providers have been removed from the Manual and relocated under MSC.1/Circ.1635.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish2020
Resolution MSC.428(98) - Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management SystemsThe Maritime Safety Committee, at its 98th session in June 2017, also adopted Resolution MSC.428(98) - Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems. The resolution encourages administrations to ensure that cyber risks are appropriately addressed in existing safety management systems.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish06-16-2017
Maritime Security Manual: Guidance for port facilities, ports and shipsThis manual has been developed to consolidate existing IMO maritime security-related material into an easily read companion guide to SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code in order to assist States in promoting maritime security through development of the requisite legal framework, practices, procedures and material, technical and human resources.International Maritime Organization / Maritime Safety CommitteeEnglish2012
Guidelines on security-related training and familiarization for port facility personnel / MSC.1/Circ.1341The present Guidelines apply to personnel, other than port facility security officers and persons appointed to act on behalf of the port facility security officer, employed in a port facility which is required to comply with the provisions of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code, and who should have received training in accordance with section A/18.1 of the ISPS Code, Guidelines on training and certification for port facility security officers (MSC.1/Circ.1188) and paragraph of the IMDG Code.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish05-27-2010
Code of Practice for the Investigation of Crimes of Piracy and Armed Robbery Against ShipsThe purpose of this document is to provide Member States with an aide-mémoire to facilitate the investigation of the crimes of piracy and armed robbery against ships.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish12-02-2009
International Code of SignalsThis code is essential for protection and efficiency in navigation, as it enables fast and clear communication between ships and shore stations, helping to prevent collisions and other incidents at sea.International Maritime OrganizationSpanish2005
The International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)Established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in order to specify the minimum associated responsibilities for shipping companies, ship's personnel, port operators, partner agencies to implement measures and procedures to prevent acts of terrorism that endanger the personal integrity of passengers and crew and the safety of ships.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish2002
Code of practice on security in portsThe code provides a proactive approach to security in ports and follows, where practicable, the practice and principles identified in SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code.International Maritime Organization and International Labour OrganizationEnglish2003
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)It is the first international convention to consider the prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships as a result of operational or accidental factors.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish1973
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code)It is a publication of the International Maritime Organization, which compiles all the current provisions regulating the transport of dangerous goods by sea.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish1965
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)It is the main international standard that seafarers must follow for Safety of Life at Sea.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish1914

ISPS Code and IMDG Code

TitleDescriptionbyLanguagesPublication date
Comprehensive Measures for Port Protection and SecurityThis article shares a series of measures, technologies and actions to consider to improve port security and protection.Cap. Frag. Enrique OchoaSpanish2024
The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS): Possible Areas to UpdateThis article addresses possible updates to the ISPS Code due to constantly evolving risks and challenges that raise new concerns and require a proactive and adaptive response.Cap. Frag. Enrique OchoaSpanish2024
The International Ship and Port Facility and Port Facility Security (ISPS): Global Trade, Drones, Cybersecurity, and Training ConsiderationsThis article discusses the advantages of implementing the code, training mechanisms, as well as cybersecurity and the use of technologies such as drones for port security.Cap. Frag. Gerardo AlmonacidSpanish2023
IMDG: A Crucial Code for the Safe Transport of Dangerous GoodsThis article covers rules and requirements for the transportation of goods, labeling, training and certification, and penalties for code violations.Cap. Frag. Gerardo AlmonacidSpanish2023
Risk Analysis Matrix for Port Facility Protection OfficersThe MATRIX FOR RISK ANALYSIS MODEL presented was created and written by Dr. Noe Cuervo Vásquez from consulting and training company “Dr. Cuervo Consultores”. The Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports currently holds the rights for the use and dissemination of the MATRIX FOR RISK ANALYSIS. The Matrix is a practical tool used to be able to discern in a quantitative way a risk analysis of threats that could occur in ports and thus implement the evaluations to their port security plans in a better way.CIP Secretariat in collaboration with Dr. Cuervo ConsultoresEnglishN/A
Risk Analysis Matrix for Port Facility Protection Officers ManualThis is a manual for the user to properly navigate through the Risk Analysis Matrix for Port Facility Protection Officers.CIP Secretariat in collaboration with Dr. Cuervo ConsultoresEnglishN/A
International Phonetic AlphabetThis alphabet was established by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1956 to aid in radio communications due to phonetic similarities between some consonants such as /b/ and /p/. Today it is the most widely used around the world, even in those nations that do not have English as an official language.North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)Spanish2022
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Used in PortsThe purpose of this glossary is to provide the personnel of the National Port Authorities (APN) and Associate Members of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS) with the terminology used in the port-maritime sector, as a support to the newly incorporated members of the port facilities of the Americas.Cap. Frag. Gerardo AlmonacidSpanish2022
Survey on Port Protection and Security Topics of Interest of the National Port National Port AuthoritiesThis is a compilation of the results of the Survey on Port Protection and Security Topics of Interest of the National Port Authorities.CIP SecretariatSpanish2022
Article - Drones: A threat to ports? Tha article addresses the use of drones for port security and protection, as well as recommendations and considerations for their use in port facilities.Cap. Frag. Gerardo AlmonacidSpanish2022
Results of the Survey on Drones and Considerations of the CIP SecretariatIt presents an overview of the use of drones by Port Authorities in the region, as well as examples of their use inside the ports.CIP SecretariatSpanish2022
Sample Breach of Security (BoS) Reporting FormThe document includes activities when reporting security incidents, response actions, initiating a Preliminary Assessment and follow-up procedures.Report in relation to ISPS CodeEnglishN/A
The International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)Established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in order to specify the minimum associated responsibilities for shipping companies, ship's personnel, port operators, partner agencies to implement measures and procedures to prevent acts of terrorism that endanger the personal integrity of passengers and crew and the safety of ships.International Maritime OrganizationEnglish2002


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Appendix 4: Continuity Planning ChecklistDocument to examine current state of organizational continuity program; identify the organization’s current and potential partnerships within the community, which are critical to developing and sustaining a culture of continuity; identify existing coordinating structures in which organizational continuity planners should participate in to integrate continuity planning, operations, and responsibilities into emergency management, preparedness, and resilience efforts; identify other inter- and intra-organizational continuity plans and programs (e.g., incident management, Occupant Emergency Plans, and Emergency Operations Plans, IT/Disaster Recovery Plans), which should be coordinated with to ensure synchronization across plans and programs.Continuity Guidance CircularEnglish2018
Continuity Assessment Tool (CAT) The purpose of a continuity plan and program is to ensure that an organization can perform its essential functions and provide critical services no matter the threat or hazard faced. Developing continuity metrics and then evaluating and assessing continuity plans and programs against these metrics is an important step for planners and managers. By examining areas for improvement and areas of strength, organizations can better prioritize and resource continuity needs and gaps. This Continuity Assessment Tool (CAT) can be used by non-federal organizations to assess a continuity plan and program against the requirements for a viable continuity program and plan as outlined in the Continuity Guidance Circular (CGC).Free GuideEnglishN/A
Windy PlatformWindy ( is an online platform and mobile app that provides detailed and real-time weather information. Some of its main features include interactive maps, forecast models, data layers, weather alerts, localized information, and user interface. Windy enables users to make informed decisions and plans based on current and future weather conditions.Ivo LukačovičEnglishN/A


TitleDescriptionbyLanguagesPublication date
Port facility security instructions protection category: CRR / “RESTRICTED”Security Overview, management of security, communications, security measures, special requirements, definitions and glossary of terms and sources of additional information.Port Authority of JamaicaEnglishN/A
Port facility’s drill/Exercise analysis report.This serves as an official notification that the facility listed below conducted a training (Drill/Exercise) as required under part “B” sections 18.5 and 18.6 of the ISPS Code.Port Authority of JamaicaEnglishN/A


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Risk Analysis Matrix for Port Facility Protection OfficersThe MATRIX FOR RISK ANALYSIS MODEL presented was created and written by Dr. Noe Cuervo Vásquez from consulting and training company “Dr. Cuervo Consultores”. The Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports currently holds the rights for the use and dissemination of the MATRIX FOR RISK ANALYSIS. The Matrix is a practical tool used to be able to discern in a quantitative way a risk analysis of threats that could occur in ports and thus implement the evaluations to their port security plans in a better way.CIP Secretariat in collaboration with Dr. Cuervo ConsultoresEnglishN/A
Risk Analysis Matrix for Port Facility Protection Officers ManualThis is a manual for the user to properly navigate through the Risk Analysis Matrix for Port Facility Protection Officers.CIP Secretariat in collaboration with Dr. Cuervo ConsultoresEnglishN/A


TitleDescriptionByLanguagesPublication date
Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for information security management.Terms and definitions, structure of this standard, risk assessment and treatment, security policy, organizing information security, asset management, human resources security, physical and environmental security, communications and operations management, access control, information systems acquisition, development and maintenance, information security incident management, business continuity management, and compliance.International Standard (© (ISO/IEC)English06-15-2015
Security screening of individuals employed in a security environment – Code of practice. BS 7858:2012.This British Standard gives recommendations for the security screening of individuals to be employed in an environment where the security and/or safety of people, goods and services, personal data or property is a requirement of the employing organization’s operations and/or where such security screening is in the public and/or corporate interest.British Standards Institution / BSI Standards PublicationEnglish11-2012


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Basic Incident Command System CourseThis course has been developed with the purpose of providing guidance to the first responder in an operational capacity. It is the first stage of a process that includes three established training levels and is a rerequisite for the Intermediate Incident Command System Course (CISCI).United States Agency for International DevelopmentSpanish10-2007


TitleDescriptionByLanguagesPublication date
Journal of Safety & Security at Sea Proceedings / Leaders in Crisis ResponseProceedings is published three times a year in the interest of safety at sea under the auspices of the Marine Safety & Security Council.United States Coast Guard Sector MobileEnglish10-2020
Marine Transportation System Recovery Plan (MTSRP) for Sector Mobile, ALThe MTSRP provides procedures to facilitate a safe, efficient, and timely restoration of the MTS to pre-disruption condition.United States Coast Guard Sector MobileEnglish04-20-2019
Code of Federal Regulations / Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters / Part 105—Maritime security: Facilities.Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters. CHAPTER I - COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. SUBCHAPTER H - MARITIME SECURITY.United States Coast GuardEnglish01-17-2018
Marine Transportation System Recovery Plan TemplateThis Marine Transportation System Recovery Plan template provides standard plan concepts which should be used to address MTS disruptions.Commandant United States Coast GuardEnglish01-2018
Draft navigation and vessel inspection circular NO. 05-17This Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) will assist Facility Security Officers (FSOs) in completing vulnerabilities analysis with computer systems and networks in their Facility Security Assessment (FSA).Commandant United States Coast GuardEnglish05-2017
Maritime Bulk Liquids Transfer Cybersecurity Framework ProfileThis MBLT CFP serves to assist in cybersecurity risk assessments for those entities involved in MBLT operations as overseen by the USCG.United States Coast GuardEnglish07-01-2016
Port Recovery in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Improving Port Resiliency in the Era of Climate ChangeThis document contemplates: Port Recovery in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.Center for a New American Security (CNAS) / United States Coast GuardEnglish08-2014
Incident Management Handbook (IMH) / COMDTPUB P3120. l 7BThe Coast Guard Incident Management Handbook (IMH) is designed to assist Coast Guard personnel in the use of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) during response operations and planned events. The IMH is an easy reference job aid for responders. It is not a policy document, but rather guidance for response personnel.Commandant United States Coast GuardEnglish05-21-2014
Common Assessment & Reporting Tool/ CART 2.0 User’s Guide.The information contained in CART assists the Maritime Transportation System Recovery Unit (MTSRU) in making MTS Recovery recommendations to the Unified Command and facilitates MTS Recovery Operations.Commanding Officer U.S. Coast Guard Operations Systems Center.English12-10-2012
MTS Recovery – Baseline Essential Elements of Information (EEIs) GuideThis Guide includes Sample EEI templates to be completed and included in the MTS Recovery Plan prior to a transportation incident. Even though the cause of an incident that has resulted in an impact to the MTS may be: a manmade or natural event; intentional or accidental; affecting physical Elements of the MTS, the effects of the impact on each EEI should be reported in a consistent manner according to this template.United States Coast GuardEnglish2007
105.245 Declaration of Security (DoS).At MARSEC Levels 1, 2 and 3. Facility Security Officer (FSO) and Master, Vessel Security Officer (VSO) coordinate security needs and proceduresUnited States Coast GuardEnglishN/A
Port Security Risk Assessment Tool (PSRAT). User manual.The Port Security Risk Assessment Tool (PSRAT) is a risk assessment tool and supporting process that enables analysts to quantify the risk of potential terrorist attacks to maritime assets operating within their area of responsibility. PSRAT was developed by ABS Consulting in cooperation with the United States Coast Guard (USCG), and currently distributed by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).PSRAT was developed for the United States Coast Guard by ABS ConsultingEnglishN/A