Port Protection and Security
Port Protection and Security Contacts
Jason Roberts
Chief Port Facility Security Officer and Port Security Officer
Antigua & Barbuda Port Authority
Tel:(268) 484-3400
Fax: (268) 462-2510
Email: antiguapfso@gmail.com
Website: www.anuport.com/wp/
Prefecto General Osvaldo Daporta
Head of ISPS Operational Center
Argentine Naval Prefecture
Tel: +5411 4318-7436
Email: centropbip@prefecturanaval.gov.ar
Website: www.argentina.gob.ar/prefecturanaval
Website: www.argentina.gob.ar/transporte/puerto-buenos-aires
Senior Lieutenant Ernestine Cleare
ISPS Coordinator
The Government of the Bahamas: Port Department
Tel: +(242) 302 0209
Cel: +(242) 376 6548
Email: ernestinecleare@bahamas.gov.bs
Website: www.bahamas.gov.bs/portdepartment
Leonid Tkach
Manager, Security Services
Barbados Port Inc.
Email: ltkach@barbadosport.com
Website: www.barbadosport.com
Kaylon Young
Acting Ports Commissioner
Belize Port Authority
CF. Reynaldo Gonzalo Gonzales Graff
Head of the Ports and Waterways Unit
Directorate General of Maritime, Fluvial, Lake and Merchant Marine Interests
Tel. (591) 2 261-0634/ (591) 2 291 3542
Cel: (591) 71555339
Email: graffgonzales.rggg@gmail.com
Website: www.sistemas.mindef.gob.bo/dgiimmffll
Otto Luiz Burlier da Silveira Filho
Department of Port Management and Modernization
Ministry of Infrastructure and the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transportation (SNTPA)
Email: otto.burlier@infraestrutura.gov.br
Website: www.gov.br/infraestrutura/pt-br/assuntos/transporte-aquaviario
Edigar Junio da Silva Martins
Technical Advisor
Ministry of Infrastructure and the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transportation (SNTPA)
Email: edigar.martins@infraestrutura.gov.br
Aiden Ryan
Director, Marine Security Operations
Transport Canada
Email: aiden.ryan@tc.gc.ca
Website: tc.canada.ca/en
Ross Munn
Associate Director General, Marine Safety and Security
Transport Canada
Email: ross.munn@tc.gc.ca
Kyle Vernon Sundstrom
First Secretary, Alternate Representative
Permanent Mission of Canada to the OAS
Email: kyle.sundstrom@international.gc.ca
Eric Luguya
Alternate Representative
Permanent Mission of Canada to the OAS
Cell: 202-528-4689
CO LT Carlos Fredes Monsalves
Director of Safety and Maritime Operations
General Directorate of Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine of Chile
Website: www.directemar.cl/
Capitán de Navío (Ret) Marco Antonio Olier Mendoza
Head of the Integral Maritime and Port Security Area
General Maritime Directorate
Tel: +57 3204333749
Email: rasimpo@dimar.mil.co
Website: www.dimar.mil.co/
Lic. Nelson Soto Corrales
Directorate of Navigation and Safety
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Tel: (506) 2523-2416
Email: nelson.soto@mopt.go.cr
Website: www.mopt.go.cr
Alejandra Cordero Fonseca
Directorate of Navigation and Safety
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Tel: (506) 2523-2583
Email: alejandra.cordero@mopt.go.cr
Mr. Pellam Jno. Baptiste
Director of Security
Dominica Air and Sea Ports Authority
Website: www.domports.daspa.dm/
Henry Antonio Guzmán Taveras
Counter-Admiral, ARD
Specialized Port Security Corps (CESEP)
Tel: + (809)740 0555
Email: contacto@cesep.mil.do
Website: www.cesep.mil.do
Ing. Tannia Vite Guerrero
Email: vite@mtop.gob.ec
Website: www.obraspublicas.gob.ec/
José Roberto Escalante
Port Security Officer
Maritime Port Authority of El Salvador
Tel: +(503) 2591-9038
Email: jescalante@amp.gob.sv
Website: www.amp.gob.sv/ampweb/
Ian Evans
Port Manager
Grenada Port Authority
Tel: (473) 440-7678
Email: portmanager@spiceisle.com
Website: www.grenadaports.com/
Otoniel López Herrera
Chief of the Control and Compliance Department, in relation to port security at the national level
National Port Commission
Tel: +502 5948 2398
Email: olopez@cpn.gob.gt & profesional3439@gmail.com
Website: www.cpn.gob.gt
Dwain Nurse
Chief Port Security Officer
Maritime Administration Department, Guyana
Tel: +(592) 227 5259, 592 226 3356 Ext: 209
Cel: +(592) 646 3001
Email: cpso@marad.gov.gy
Website: www.marad.gov.gy
Jocelin Villier
Port Security Director
Authorité Portuaire Nationale
Tel: +(509) 4607 2222
Cel: +(509) 3131 2222
Email: jvillier@hotmail.com
Ricardo Javier Murillo Rivera
ISPS Officer of Puerto Cortes
National Port Enterprise
Tel: +(504) 9748 8631
Email: opip.enp@hotmail.com
Lieutenant Colonel Kirk Johnson
Vice President Security and Safety
Port Authority of Jamaica
Email: kjohnson@portjam.com
Website: www.portjam.com
Audrey McNeil
ISPS Compliance Coordinator
Port Authority of Jamaica
Email: AMcNeil@portjam.com
Capitain CG. IM. DEM, Raúl Rodrigo Rojas Álvarez
Coordinator of Maritime and Port Security and Customs of EMGA
Secretary of the Navy
Tel: +52 (55) 56246500 Ext: 7999
Email: emcoppa.coordinador@semar.gob.mx
Website: https://www.gob.mx/semar#
Lcdo. Gustavo Gantes
Head of the Department of Port Security (DPP) in charge
Panama Maritime Authority
Email: ggantes@amp.gob.pa
Website: www.amp.gob.pa
Captain Guillermo Torres
Head of the Port Security Department (DPP) incumbent
Panama Maritime Authority
Email: gtorres@amp.gob.pa
Abog. Victor Ferreira
ISPS Manager
National Administration of Navigation and Ports
Email: victorferreiracuta@gmail.com
Luís García Lumbreras
Head of the Protection and Security Unit
National Port Authority of Peru
Tel: +(51) 1 630-9621 Ext. 1502
Email: lgarcia@apn.gob.pe
Website: www.gob.pe/apn
Mr. Loui E. Hendrickson
Security Manager
St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority
Tel: +869 465-8121/2/3 Ext: 231
Cell: +869 662-2136
Email: loui.hendrickson@scaspa.com
Website: www.scaspa.com
Mr. Everette S. Mason
Deputy Security Manager
St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority
Tel: +869 465-8121/2/3 Ext: 140
Cell: +869 662-7609
Email: everette.mason@scaspa.com
Mr. Kennedy Francis
Chief of Ports Police
Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority
Cel: + (758) 728-4773
Email: kennedy.francis@slaspa.com
Website: www.slaspa.com
Hawkins Nanton
Port Facility Security Officer
Royal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force
Website: www.svgpa.com
Pearl Gerding
Head / Port Facility Security Officer
HAVENBEHEER - Port Management Company of Suriname
Tel. (597) 404-044/ 403-625/ 404-641
Email: security@havenbeheer.sr
Website: www.havenbeheer.com/
Mr Azeem Ali
Superintendent of Security
Trinidad and Tobago Port Authority
Tel: + 868 6232901/5 Ext 240
Email: Azeema@patnt.com
Website: www.patnt.com
Mr. Scott Wolland
International Port Security Program
United States Coast Guard (USCG)
Atlantic Area
Tel: (757) 398-6546
Cel: (757) 692-6494
Email: Scott.H.Wolland2@uscg.mil
Website: www.uscg.mil/
Mr. Edward Munoz
International Port Security Program
United States Coast Guard (USCG)
Coast Guard Headquarters
Tel: (202) 372-2122
Cel: (202) 821-8046
Email: Edward.X.Munoz@uscg.mil
Mauricio Seluja
Chief of Department / Port Facility Security Officer
National Port Administration
Email: mseluja@anp.com.uy
Website: www.anp.com.uy
Contralmirante Luis Mérida
Head of International Aquatic Affairs Office
National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA)
Tel: +58 (424) 8246486/58 (212) 9091587
Email: asuntos.internacionales.inea@gmail.com
Website: www.inea.gob.ve/