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Hemispheric cooperation for competitive, secure, sustainable and inclusive ports in the Americas.


Work Plan 2017 - 2018 and Activities to Perform

Activity: The Second Hemispheric Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Equality in the Port Sector.

Objective: Strengthen socially responsible port operation through the dialogue and exchange of successful experiences and the promotion of policies and strategies of social responsibility and gender equality among the highest authorities of public and private ports, academia representatives, and leading officials of the port industry. Also, stocktaking the Women reality in the Ibero-American Port Sector;,  their roles, opportunities, trainings for competitiveness, participation in decision-making, identity and empowerment.

Date: May 2018.

Addressed to: public and private sector officials, executives, experts, and specialists of the OAS Member States port – maritime industry; especially, export and import sector, commerce, academia and general public with an interest in the subject.

Place: Lima – Peru

Activity: The Second Study/survey about Gender Equality, which works as the base line for future actions.

Objective: Evaluate the opinion of the port community regarding the participation of women in the development of the port sector in the Americas, identifying areas for improvement and key recommendations for their attention. This will strengthen the leadership of women and the role they have been playing in the different spheres of the port sector.

Date: March 2018.

Addressed to: public and private sector officials, executives, experts, and specialists of the OAS Member States port – maritime industry; especially, export and import sector, commerce, academia and general public with an interest in the subject.

Place: Virtual platform with OAS member states.

Activity: Online Course on CSR

Objective: Provide the necessary knowledge so the participants will be able to formulate a CSR business strategy in their companies or port facilities.

Date: November 2017

Addressed to: public and private sector officials, executives, experts, and specialists of the OAS Member States port – maritime industry.

Partners: The CIP-OAS will have an expert-trainer and the necessary material to carry out the online course on CSR.

Place: APN Virtual Platform

Activity: Update of the database on Women in ports

Objective: Generate a meeting space and linkage both nationally and internationally the impetus of the Port Women’s Network, with the purpose of disseminating in the hemisphere the work carried out by women in the port industry.

Date: August 2017

Addressed to: Officials, executives, experts, and specialists in the public and private sectors of the OAS Member States, especially in the port/maritime area.

Place: Website of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Corporate Social Responsibility, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment.

Activity: TAG CSR and Gender Equality Newsletter

Objective: To have a virtual informative tool that promotes through the dissemination of information at the hemispheric level, the role and work of women in the port sector, as well as the policies and actions that are carried out in order to promote Social Responsibility in the port community national and internationally, promoting Port-City integration.

Date: Quarterly Dissemination (virtual – digital)

Addressed to: The OAS member states port community.

Place:  Website of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Corporate Social Responsibility, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment.